With Bestselling Author & Intuitive Healing Facilitator
Dave Markowitz

New 7-Week Live Video Course Starts
Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Learn to embrace and resolve the 4 early wounds of abandonment to release the hold they have on your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual wellbeing.

Step onto a healing path of guided exercises, deep healings, and unique wisdom, leading to personal freedom, sustained whole-being health, and profound connections with yourself, others, and your divine purpose.


Like most people, you’ve probably experienced a relationship breakdown, social exclusion, the death of a loved one, or another life situation that led you to feel abandoned.

If so, you know how painful it can be and how challenging it is to recover from especially if you’re an empath, intuitive, or highly sensitive person.

What you may not know is that we all experience four abandonments what intuitive healing facilitator and 2-time bestselling author Dave Markowitz, calls the four “original wounds.”

These original wounds (appropriately abbreviated as OW!) are a series of painful separations that we experience in the first few years or even moments of our lives, and they form our beliefs about people, the world and how it works, and even what it means to be connected (or not) to Spirit.

These aren’t intentional abandonments like being left by a partner, family members, or even friends... they’re more subtle, deep-seated, primal wounds that are beyond conscious awareness for most of us but they can still impact the way we conduct our lives, the choices we make, and the relationships we pursue.

The original (and most formative) wounds and four abandonments are:

  • The physical separation from your mother This happens as soon as the umbilical cord is cut, and results in a longing for physical connection.
  • The perceived spiritual disconnection from Source This occurs as the ego begins to form, and creates a craving for a path that will reconnect us with Spirit.
  • The emotional withdrawal by your family of origin Most children have a sense of unconditional love during the first few months of their lives, but that experience isn’t sustained, and causes a yearning for deeper emotional connection with others.
  • The eventual abandonment of the Self When the feeling of being surrounded by unconditional love fades, we tend to do whatever it takes to rediscover the love we desperately need, which drives many of us to look everywhere for love and become “people pleasers” for decades.

The good news is that you can overcome these original wounds and, as a result, have better relationships and feel more hopeful, engaged, light, whole, and free to make choices that are in alignment with your true desires.

That’s why we’re excited to invite you to join Dave in a brand-new 7-week live video course, in which he’ll help you increase your awareness of these wounds and heal them in a profound and sustainable way.

He’ll lead you through a variety of potent meditations and deep healings providing you with long-lasting symptom relief, an expansion in intuitive guidance and spiritual growth, and a clearer vision of who you really are and how you can best express your gifts for the benefit of all.

You’ll experience visualizations, guided journeys, energy protection exercises, intention setting processes, and more which, together, will help you cultivate clarity and peace of mind and likely reduce the pain you hold in your body.

And, you’ll receive actionable steps you can take to continue your healing process. You’ll also come to realize that your empathy, intuition, or sensitivity is a blessing, rather than a burden.

With his warm demeanor and open heart, Dave has worked with thousands of empaths, intuitives, and highly sensitive people in his 27-year career as an intuitive healing facilitator and guide. He can offer you a way through and out of these original wounds...

... by compassionately and logically guiding you through a perfectly metered set of practical steps that you can bring into your everyday life to set you on a unique path of wholeness and liberation.


During this deeply healing and experiential program, you’ll:

  • Gain an understanding about why you’ve been unable to resolve the challenges in your life whether they’re current-day pain and illnesses, frustration with relationships, or issues with purpose, jobs, finances, or something else and resolve their underlying causes
  • Learn how these wounds actually aren’t something to fight, but instead are part of the universal plan they’re important to live through and deal with because they’re necessary for your development and growth
  • Receive specific healing for empaths, intuitives, and sensitives for pain relief, hope, awareness, and personal empowerment
  • Realize that you’re not alone, that you aren’t abandoned that these wounds are universal and, with the proper tools and techniques, you can establish a deeply healing practice
  • Start to see you own light and connect with Spirit more profoundly than ever before to experience increased clarity and direction
  • Discover a more holistic, heart-centered understanding of the underlying causes of your anxiety or depression and a compassionate, love-based process of healing
  • Experience a lessening of self-judgment and increased self-acceptance
  • Engage in specific tools to prevent and heal empathically absorbed pain and illness tools that have been proven to work where many other modalities fail
  • Work with your shadow the parts of you and more “difficult” emotions that you don’t want to see or be seen to release limitations and turn self-criticism into self-love
  • And much more...

Dave will share how the four abandonments, and the resulting beliefs, pain, and unwellness are not impediments to your path, but rather catalysts to guide you home.

In order to get there, however, you’ll have an opportunity to stop resisting and start to lean into your discomfort from a place of compassion bringing the root cause of your perceived battles to the forefront. It’s then that you can begin to integrate these wounds in a healthy way and embark on your path of healing.

Once you see that the blockages and limitations you’ve been fighting sometimes at all costs are important steps in growing into your soul’s purpose...

... you’ll recognize both conceptually and experientially through Dave’s channeled guidance that the path from Oneness to individuation and back to Oneness is not an aberration that’s making your life more difficult than it needs to be but rather a divinely guided and logical journey that we all undertake.

You’ll come to understand why these original wounds are actually important for your personal growth, as you transform these old separations into seeds of connection.

In doing so, you’re bound to experience improved energy, focus, emotional wellbeing, and elevated abundance on many levels creating space for higher wisdom to guide you and welcoming in a whole new you that honors all of who you are.

You’ll walk away from this course knowing on a profound level that working with the original wounds can be a vital part of serious, in-depth growth and healing work, and may be the answer you’ve been looking for... without even knowing it!

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Weeks

In this 7-week transformational course, Dave will guide you through the wisdom and practice you’ll need to successfully heal the four original wounds for personal freedom... sustained whole-being health... and profound connections with yourself, others, and your Divine purpose.

Join the Livestream or Stream Later to Watch at Your Convenience


You’ll connect with Dave and experience his teachings through livestreaming video via any connected device. This connection is easy to use and will enhance the impact of Dave’s transmissions. Can’t make it live? After each class, you can stream the video and audio recordings to enjoy anytime and anywhere at your convenience.

Weekly Sessions Wednesdays at 9:00am Pacific

This course will feature LIVE teachings, interactive sessions, experiential practices, and Q&A with Dave. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to explore the four early abandonments and how they’ve impacted your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual wellbeing.

Module 1: What Are the Original Wounds & Why They’re So Important for Peace of Mind & Your Life’s Direction (June 26)


When we don’t have an acute understanding of the original wounds, and the “Why?” behind their existence, we may forever remain victims of our conditioned belief systems, which may or may not even be true... and which likely negatively affect our growth and healing.

Learning about the original wounds is vital for any kind of serious, in-depth growth and healing work, and it may be the answer you’ve been looking for without even knowing it!

Without the awareness and knowledge about how to work with these original wounds, we typically only address symptoms of whatever ails us and achieve temporary healing, at best. Working with them is your key to freedom, healing, and connecting with yourself, others, and Spirit!

In this opening session, you’ll:

  • Learn about the original wounds and get answers to your “Why?” questions and experience more peace of mind and clarity in your life’s direction
  • Experience a healing meditation to meet these wounds in a compassionate, co-created container
  • Become more empowered by understanding the importance of the first few minutes of life, and how that precious time affects every decision you’ve ever made
  • Receive guidance on how to turn these pains of separation into seeds of connection... so you have control over them instead of them controlling you!

Module 2: Healing the Spiritual Wound to Satisfy Your Deepest Longings (July 3)


Perhaps the most painful of the original wounds is the belief that we’re separate from the world of Spirit. Even if you know that you’re connected to that realm, your life would likely be much better if you could truly KNOW it.

In other words, you can learn to embody your spiritual connection rather than understanding it on only a mental or theoretical level.

Imagine knowing on a much deeper level that the very energy that innervates you, also wants to guide you. Imagine being able to access that world of unconditional love and information beyond the level of mind, which, like a computer, only knows what it’s been taught or has observed. Imagine being able to satisfy your profound yearning, instead of having it show up in cravings that no mind-generated reality or earthly connection can fill.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Learn to connect with Spirit with more ease for increased clarity and direction
  • Discover how this connection is already a part of you and is always available, rather than something that you have to eternally seek
  • Experience a healing, connecting meditation for increased peace of mind
  • Receive guidance on how to access the realm of Spirit more quickly and effectively, so you’re less directed by ego and more guided by Spirit

Module 3: Specific Healing for Empaths & Sensitives for Pain Relief, Hope, Awareness & Personal Empowerment (July 10)


If you’re an empath or sensitive, have you been taught to protect yourself by blocking incoming energies? While certainly good intentioned and often temporarily effective, the typical “walling” types of energy techniques actually increase lethargy and decrease true connection in the long run.

The energies of others will often then manifest in pains and illness that won’t truly heal no matter what you do. Empath- and sensitive-specific prevention and healing techniques are necessary to bring you health and quicker, more effective healing than ever before.

By working with rather than fighting against your empathic abilities, you’ll experience them as gifts rather than burdens. The end result of knowing and working with these techniques is pain relief, hope and awareness, and a new sense of personal empowerment!

This week, you’ll:

  • Learn specific tools to prevent and heal empathically absorbed pain and illness using tools that have been proven to work where many other modalities fail
  • Experience various guided preventative and healing exercises for an immediate shift in your symptoms, opening doors to newer and more profound healing
  • Discover that your empathic abilities, when understood and worked with, are gifts, not burdens that you can maximize for the benefit of all
  • Receive guidance on how to be the best version of you at all times!

Module 4: The Journey of Self-Discovery & Self-Creation for Empaths & Sensitives to Cultivate More Authenticity & Meaningful Relationships (July 17)


As a result of the original wounds, we tend to bury our true selves, and, in its place, we create a new, needs-based façade. We cultivate a “mask” because we’ve learned that it isn’t safe to be our authentic selves in our family of origin.

Sadly, we take this version of ourselves out into the world, but it never feels totally aligned with who we really are. So we end up feeling like something is missing. Some even develop what’s known as the “imposter syndrome.”

While that state of being might get you temporary and perhaps shallow relationships, or even the illusion that you’re getting what you need, you may still have a yearning for more a deeper connection with yourself and others.

The journey of self-discovery and self-creation, particularly for empaths and sensitives, is a heart-centered one that requires a new kind of listening and course of action. In this module, you’ll begin to implement what you always knew was possible but never knew you needed!


  • Learn about the original wound that creates the journey of self-discovery, and the desire for authenticity and vulnerability
  • Discover that the answers to this journey are already within you... you just need a safe container to merge and connect with a deeper knowing that this is your time to shine
  • Experience a healing meditation to catalyze this part of your creativity and higher truth, and to move forward with less fear
  • Receive guidance on how to access this energy at any time to co-create more meaningful relationships with anyone you meet!

Module 5: Redefining & Healing Anxiety & Depression (July 24)


Two of the most common diagnoses that Dave’s clients bring to his sessions are anxiety and depression, but sometimes the causes of those challenges and the traditional treatments aren’t the full story.

When you expand your stories, you can gain more clarity and hope that there’s a way out or more accurately through your distress. The very real symptoms that have plagued a vast percentage of empaths aren’t made to be reasoned with. They can’t solely be “talked out.” They require a more holistic, heart-centered understanding of the underlying causes, and a compassionate, love-based process of healing that can’t be achieved solely through medications. This doesn’t mean that medications are bad (and if your doctor prescribes them, they should be used), but it’s also important to be more aware of the potential implications of becoming medication reliant.

This week, Dave will guide you through the steps you can use adjacent to your medications (or without medications if you’re not on any) to move through the blockages that manifest as anxiety and depression.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Learn a new, more expanded view of commonly diagnosed issues that can empower you with knowledge for deeper healing
  • Discover that there’s a holistic method of working through these issues that can bring you the relief you’ve been seeking
  • Experience a healing meditation to catalyze this new, expanded part of your healing journey
  • Receive guidance on how to apply these techniques for maximum healing!

Module 6: Illuminating & Healing the Shadow Particularly in Empaths & Sensitives to Clear Blocks, Activate Full Self-Expression & Cultivate Self-Love (July 31)


The “shadow” is the name often given to the parts of ourselves that we don’t dare let be seen that we prefer to keep in the dark. The shadow includes our fear, anger, and grief.

Sadly, you’ve likely been taught that these parts of you are bad. The resultant shame, continuation, and even strengthening of these feelings can create blockages to health and healing that are rarely discussed, much less investigated and understood as a vital part of our healing.

In this module, you’ll explore:

  • A new, more expanded view of the shadow and its implications, and how it keeps us stuck and in self-criticism
  • A love-based method you can apply for deeper healing of your shadow
  • A healing meditation to deepen this part of your journey, get unstuck, and turn self-criticism into self-love
  • How to receive assistance on using the shadow aspects of yourself when necessary without guilt, rather than letting the shadow use you!

Module 7: Healing Abandonment (August 7)


How many of your decisions are truly conscious and unclouded by your prior experiences?

So much of what we do and don’t do, or say or don’t say is guided by the original wound of abandonment. Without working on this diligently, carefully, lovingly, and consistently, the unhealed wounding will unconsciously direct us into more and more challenging situations that then call us back into healing.

In this session, you’ll take a deep dive and see how your unhealed wounds have affected your health, relationships, and even finances, as you deepen your process of healing them creating space for higher wisdom to guide you!

In this closing class, you’ll:

  • Learn how your unhealed abandonment wounding from childhood has affected your decisions and still does, even subconsciously
  • Understand how the energy of fighting your wounds actually increases their intensity
  • Discover that there’s a more visceral and heart-based way through this that’s beyond typical understanding
  • Explore how to live in perfect alignment with who you truly are, as opposed to who you’ve been told to be
  • Experience a healing meditation to heal these wounds and benefit every aspect of your life
  • Explore how you no longer have to be owned by your pain
  • Welcome in a whole new you that honors all of who you are, and shares that gift with others!


The Healing the 4 Original Wounds Bonus Offering

In addition to Dave’s transformative 7-week online course, you’ll receive this special bonus offering to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.

When you register by Midnight Pacific on Tuesday, June 4, you’ll receive the bonuses below as an extra gift:

Self-Care for the Self-Aware: A Guide for Highly Sensitive People, Empaths, Intuitives, and Healers
Ebook by Dave Markowitz

This ebook from Dave provides simple, practical guidance for anyone who sees themselves as “too sensitive”... or who feels fatigued, depressed, overly empathic, or overwhelmed by incoming energies... who takes on other people’s grief or feels the weight of the world on their shoulders... who is an empath, intuitive, highly sensitive person, nurturer, caregiver, healer, healthcare provider, or teacher... or who is tired of acute pain or chronic illness and feels like they’ve tried everything without lasting relief.

Register by June 4 to claim this bonus before it expires.


When you register by Midnight Pacific on Friday, June 14, you’ll receive the bonuses below as an extra gift:

Empathipedia: Healing for Empaths & Highly Sensitive Persons
Introduction From a PDF Ebook by Dave Markowitz

This introduction to Dave Markowitz’s book Empathipedia offers some of the foundational teachings from Dave’s bestselling book Self-Care for the Self-Aware which he then updated after working with thousands more empaths and highly sensitive people (HSPs). The version of the keyhole exercise found in this bonus, for example, provides you with a multidimensional understanding by invoking movement, visualization, visceral sensation, vocalization, vibration, sound, and conceptual awareness. This experiential, multi-layered approach fosters a deeper embodiment that’s already helped thousands of empaths and HSPs heal and thrive. You’ll also discover the most common health challenges empaths and HSPs face, and how to work with them at the causal root.

Register by June 14 to claim this bonus before it expires.


Sound Healing for Empaths, Sensitives & Intuitives
Video Conversation and Sound Healing With Dave Markowitz and Barry Goldstein

Multi-award-winning music producer Barry Goldstein’s name is synonymous with musical alchemy. He’s electrified the rock genre as well as composed ambient music for Shirley MacLaine, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Dr. Daniel Amen, Dave Asprey, Neale Donald Walsch, Anita Moorjani, and many more! He’s not just a musician he’s an architect of ambiance and a pioneer of acoustic enlightenment. In this 42-minute video, Dave and Barry share about manifestation, sound healing, and receiving guidance particularly for empaths, HSPs, and intuitives. Barry then plays a divinely co-created piece of ambient music to help you center and get in touch with the power of your own heart.


Healing in Community: Group Healing Session
Live Online Q&A and Experiential Practice With Dave Markowitz

In this live session, Dave will answer questions and provide one-on-one attention to some of the participants. Even if you’re not among those whose questions are answered or who receive personal guidance, you’ll benefit from the healing process because we’re all connected. In this safe, co-created container, you’ll identify and work on whatever needs to be addressed within you at the moment. You’ll practice being present and the powerful act of surrendering to something bigger than yourself.


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What Graduates of Dave’s Courses Are Saying...

“I am a different, freer person now.”

Every single class and meditation was transformational. I am a different, freer person now.
Martha, Citrus Heights, California

“I found Dave an encouraging and tender teacher.”

I found Dave an encouraging and tender teacher. He was very aware of how much support is needed for the student to shift and change. His ability to hold space was a masterful skill, and his humility in accessing information for individual students was delicate and innocent. I loved the refrain “It does not matter what Dave thinks.” He was open to multiple viewing points and was careful to be inclusive. I learned to trust my own information through this course.
Inese, Toronto, Canada

“Dave Markowitz has continued to help me grow and move past situations I had dealt with most of my life as an empath and highly sensitive person.”

Dave Markowitz has continued to help me grow and move past situations I had dealt with most of my life as an empath and highly sensitive person. Since learning Dave’s techniques and tools I use them daily. I’m forever grateful to Dave and the Shift Network for bringing these classes forward and at an affordable rate.
Helene, South Bend, Indiana

“Dave’s dedication, knowledge, wisdom, and humor made this course transformational.”

Dave’s dedication, knowledge, wisdom, and humor made this course transformational. The meditations were outstanding! Much gratitude.
Sandi, Savannah, Georgia

“I have never experienced this level of kindness and understanding for my circumstances.”

I have never experienced this level of kindness and understanding for my circumstances. I want to thank Dave Markowitz for these as they also allowed for new insights to help my healing. I have the meditations on my desktop so I can access them regularly. Thank you so very much for your kind heart and understanding of this level of sensitivity.


Join the Global Community


Healing the 4 Original Wounds offers some of the most transformational online teachings available, within a thriving global community of learning and practice.

Join fellow students and practitioners to support and inspire each other as you integrate the teachings and practices Dave Markowitz will share in this powerful program.

You’ll join an international community on the leading edge of manifesting a world grounded in the principles of cooperation, harmony, and reverence for all of life.


Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven 90-Minute Class Sessions With Dave Markowitz

Experience a unique opportunity to be mentored by and learn from author and intuitive healing facilitator Dave Markowitz from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a livestreaming video option and will guide you to journey deep into the four early abandonments and step onto a healing path of unique wisdom and guided practices to achieve personal freedom, sustained whole-being health, and profound connections with yourself, others, and your Divine purpose. Course sessions are on Wednesdays at 9:00am Pacific.

Seven Video Recordings of Class Sessions

After each class, the video will be available for you to stream in a high-quality format. You’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can watch anytime and anywhere at your convenience.

Seven Audio Recordings of Class Sessions

After each class, the audio will be available for you to stream. You’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can listen anytime and anywhere at your convenience.

Seven Transcripts of Class Sessions

You’ll also receive the entire class transcription after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the insights and practices you found most impactful.

Interactive Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each week’s lesson.

Online Community

Our exclusive Facebook online community is the perfect place to continue your discovery process after each class. Here, you can continue the discussion about your course materials and interact with your fellow students to take your exploration to an even deeper level.

The Healing the 4 Original Wounds Bonus Offering

When you register by Midnight Pacific on Tuesday, June 4, you’ll receive the bonuses below as an extra gift:

  • Self-Care for the Self-Aware: A Guide for Highly Sensitive People, Empaths, Intuitives, and Healers
    Ebook by Dave Markowitz

When you register by Midnight Pacific on Friday, June 14, you’ll receive the bonuses below as an extra gift:

  • Empathipedia: Healing for Empaths and Highly Sensitive Persons
    Introduction to a PDF Ebook by Dave Markowitz
  • Sound Healing for Empaths, Sensitives & Intuitives
    Video Conversation and Sound Healing With Dave Markowitz and Barry Goldstein
  • Healing in Community: Group Healing Session
    Live Online Q&A and Experiential Practice With Dave Markowitz

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Online Course, Healing the 4 Original Wounds


We feel honored that Dave Markowitz has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive LIVE online course. This is a unique opportunity to interact directly with an intuitive healing facilitator whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about healing the four early abandonments so you can enjoy personal freedom, sustained whole-being health, and profound connections with yourself, others, and your Divine purpose, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind program.

If you’re ready to take the next step in your own evolution, click the register button below to reserve your space now.


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1 Payment of

Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Healing the 4 Original Wounds or don’t feel that it meets your needs please submit your refund request form on or before July 10, 2024 and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.


More Praise for Dave Markowitz...

“...a balm for the weary soul.”

Dave is a master healer for empaths and sensitives. His gifts, knowledge, experience, and humor make him a real change agent and a balm for the weary soul.
Lee Harris, energy intuitive, channeler, and healer

“Thank you, Dave, for the peace and healing I have finally found!”

I have worked with quite a few therapists and healers in the last two decades, so I have my fair share of specialists I can compare Dave Markowitz with. What really stuns me since my very first session is that he has this immense ability paired with a mind-blowing ease of letting the hardest and most painful themes in life seem so easily accessible. And in the end lovable. There is then no resistance, shame, or weirdness left afterwards, just peace with what is and a deep knowing that all the pain was meant to be for growth and therefore is perfect. His technique of feeling the emotion in a certain region in the body and then integrating it is unique and healing in a very wholesome way. Thank you, Dave, for the peace and healing I have finally found!
H.F., MD, Austria

“Dave Markowitz is a portal of love and light.”

Dave Markowitz is a portal of love and light. His resonance is pure, and he speaks and acts with kindness, acceptance, and wisdom. He is able to accurately decipher what needs attention, and then gently address it with focus and compassion. He is a gift in our time that is greatly needed. I highly recommend his expertise. His work is medicine!
Sheila Balestrino, DO, board-certified family medicine physician, Mars, Pennsylvania


About Dave Markowitz

Dave Markowitz has worked with thousands of empaths, intuitives, and highly sensitive people (HSPs) in his 27-year career as an intuitive healing facilitator, guide, and bestselling author. His conversational style of writing, warm demeanor, and open heart invites clients, readers, and workshop attendees to heal, to see their own light, and to connect with others and with Spirit deeper than ever before.

Dave’s work guides clients and workshop attendees gently and compassionately in alignment with what their body-mind-spirit triune can handle and does so at the causal level for increased awareness, long-lasting symptom relief, an expansion in intuitive guidance and spiritual growth, and a clearer vision of who they really are and where and how they can best express their gifts of empathy and sensitivity for the benefit of all.

Working with Dave reminds us that we are never alone, and that there is always hope for healing. He’ll help you connect to your own truth beyond the façade of the ego, and to befriend the parts of you that you were taught to hide: namely, your fear, anger, and grief. These parts of self need love and attention just as much as the more accepted parts of you for example, your compassion, heart, and caregiving nature for true whole-body, long-lasting healing and spiritual growth.


Frequently Asked Questions


Q: What’s a virtual course?

A: It’s a great way to engage with live and pre-recorded teachings and each other from the comfort of your home! All you need is any connected device. We use Zoom video conferencing to make it just like an in-person event, where you can ask questions and deepen your exploration of the course themes.


Q: Can I still benefit from the course if I miss the live classes?

A: Absolutely! You can stream the recordings and download the transcripts of all course sessions, so you never need to worry about missing live calls. You can also engage with the full community and leaders in our private online community group.


Q: Can you tell me about the private online community group?

A: We’ll have a private online community group for all course participants on Facebook that will support you in making connections with others, sharing insights, engaging in discussions, and completing homework assignments that can supplement your transformational journey. You’ll have the ability to share your experiences, projects, and growth throughout the course.


Q: Are there scholarships available for this training?

A: Yes, we always make a certain percentage of spaces available for partial scholarships, for those who otherwise would not be able to enroll at the regular rate. If you’d like to apply for a scholarship, please review our guidelines, which include a link to our online application form.


Q: What’s your refund policy?

A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee so that you can sample the course risk-free. The deadline to receive a full refund is July 10, 2024. To request a refund, please click on this refund request form and submit your request. Qualifying refunds will be processed within five business days and an email confirming the refund will be sent. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com and we’ll be happy to help! (No refund requests accepted after the above date or with scholarship awards.)


Q: How can I reach Customer Support?

A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.
