With Intuitive Strategist
Mellissa Seaman

New 7-Week Live Video Training Starts
Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Can’t make it live? After each class, video and audio recordings are available to download and watch anytime.


Explore the 4 key types of intuitive intelligence within you — embodied, creative, integrative, and visionary — to unveil and manifest what you’re uniquely destined to be and to bring to the world.


What if you could harness your intuitive intelligence as one of your greatest everyday tools for self-empowerment and manifestation?

And what if you could easily use this innate inner knowing to make your best decisions, boost your health, creativity, and happiness, and even assess who’s right for you in both your personal and professional lives?

Practiced intuitives know that intuition can help us greatly enhance and transform our lives. It can reveal our greatest desires and soul gifts — what our truest Self longs to be and share with the world...

And it can help us connect with others — through synchronicity and with profound empathy — ultimately deepening our connection with Spirit, invisible allies in other realms, and the healing energies of the natural world, helping us understand that we are never alone.

Yet sometimes we spend more time blocking our intuition than using it.

As human beings, it’s only natural that we develop blocks to this innate form of inner knowing, such as self-judgment, wounds from past traumas, shame, anxiety, overwhelm, and the mounting frustrations and fears of living in today’s world.

Not trusting our intuition can itself be a major block to our success.

The good news is that you can unveil and clear your blocks to this superpower and learn to trust and use it with ease to create the life you desire... and help create a better world.

In this empowering new 7-week online course with renowned intuitive and spiritual teacher Mellissa Seaman, you’ll explore the four key types of intuitive intelligenceembodied, creative, integrative, and visionary. You’ll discover the powerful ways these forms of inner wisdom can uniquely help you live more confidently and creatively, and with greater ease and joy.

A Stanford-educated lawyer, who is also part spirit-woman and part energy-clearing specialist, Mellissa will help you gain enhanced access to your intution in profound, practical, and playful ways.

Each week, you’ll receive powerful energy clearings to recognize and dissipate your blocks to each of the types of intuition. Mellissa’s energy work has helped thousands — from family matriarchs to company executives — hone this built-in superpower.

You’ll discover which of the four types of intuition are your strongest and which need to be more finely tuned... and how to use your intuition as an easily accessible and powerful everyday tool for navigating your life.

You’ll learn easy-to-understand systems that reveal how your intuition works and that help you recognize and trust it. If you tend to question your inner knowing, this is a particularly valuable teaching.

Even seasoned intuitives are surprised by the refreshing perspectives and practical applications Mellissa offers for this age-old ability.

She opens our eyes to the less recognized blocks that diminish our intuitive powers — from addiction to working too hard, to fear of losing control, to fear of being ridiculed — which block our Creative Intuition.

Mellissa shares that if you’re cut off from your Embodied Intuition, you may be disconnected from the healing rhythms of the natural world — or afraid of how others judge your body or how you experience pleasure.

You’ll find out how your Integrative Intuition provides you with the ability to feel the energy field between yourself and others, to feel empathy, and to open to and understand others’ perspectives.

And, you’ll explore how your Visionary Intuition opens you to direct connection with Spirit, helping allies from other realms, and the healing energies of nature.

You’ll also experience drum-led shamanic journeys to deepen your newly heightened intuitive awareness and set clear intentions so you can manifest the soul-led insights your intuition reveals.

When you unblock and use your intuition as an everyday skill, you can more confidently make real life decisions, attract the right-fit people and opportunities, and co-create your best life with the guidance and support of your deepest brilliance.


The Four Types of Intuition

You Can Remove Limits to Your Intuition

Letting Your Guides Work for You


During this brand-new 7-week course, you’ll:

  • Take the Intuitive Genius Assessment to discover which intuitive types are your strongest and which most need your attention
  • Learn what it means — and feels like — to truly trust your intuition
  • Learn powerful practices to tune into your Embodied Intuition and feel more confident, safe, and at home in your body
  • Discover how opening to your Integrative Intuition helps you attract the right-fit people who best understand and love you
  • Experience how fear can be released by directly connecting with Spirit 
  • Discover playful ways to discern and use the profound messages available to you in nature to cultivate more ease and groundedness
  • Release fears of being judged, criticized, or punished for wielding the power of your Creative Intuition
  • Tap into how it feels to embody your creative power and the childlike joy and freedom it brings
  • Learn how to create healthy energetic boundaries to free yourself from taking on others’ suffering, projections, and judgements
  • Develop all 4 types of intuition by holding your Visionary Intuition in integrity
  • Learn how to leverage your intuition at work to increase your expertise, impact, and success
  • Discover how to enjoy intuitive heart-connections in your family and relationships
  • Learn how to tap your intuition to make important decisions about your self-care and wellness
  • And much more...

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Weeks

In this 7-week online program, Mellissa will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies you’ll need to successfully unblock your intuitive intelligence and use this innate superpower as an everyday tool for creating the life you desire.

The Power of Livestreaming Video


You’ll connect with Mellissa and experience her teachings through livestreaming video via any connected device. This connection is easy to use and will enhance the impact of Mellissa’s transmissions. Or you can listen to just the audio by phone.

(Can’t make it live? No worries! After each class, the video and audio recordings will be available for you to download or stream in a high-quality format at your convenience.)


Weekly Sessions Tuesdays at 1:00pm Pacific

This course will feature LIVE teachings, interactive training sessions, experiential practices, and Q&A with Mellissa. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to unblock, access, and use your greatest superpower — your intuitive intelligence.

Module 1: Explore the 4 Types of Intuition to Hone Your Superpowers (August 30)


Explore the four key types of intuition (embodied, creative, integrative, and visionary) and discover which are already strongest within you and which you could develop further. Even the most gifted intuitives have powers that can be more finely honed.

You’ll experience a profound energy clearing each week to open each of your four intuitive types. You’ll be expertly guided by Mellissa and supported by your spirit guides and the virtual course community to release long-held blocks to your intuitive powers. And you’ll set personal intentions and take the Intuitive Genius Assessment to set the course for this powerful online journey.

This week, you’ll:

  • Explore the 4 types of intuitive powers (embodied, creative, integrative, and visionary)
  • Take the Intuitive Genius Assessment to discover which intuitive types are your strongest and which need your attention
  • Learn what it means — and feels like — to truly trust your intuition
  • Envision the wisdom, connection, and joy you’ll experience in this course to help you open to the new possibilities that await you
  • Experience a powerful energy clearing to start breaking through blocks to your intuitive genius

Module 2: Tune Into Your Embodied Intuition to Ground Your Superpowers (September 6)


As an intuitive, Highly Sensitive Person (HSP), or someone who finds they’re often triggered by the chaos of modern life, you may sometimes feel like you want to go “home.” Your body, this planet, and this culture may feel overwhelming, disappointing, and even foreign to you, especially in these times of conflict and heightened fear.

You’ll learn powerful exercises to jumpstart your Embodied Intuition as a channel to feel and enjoy the vitality, confidence, and safety of being simultaneously connected to your body, soul, and nature.

You’ll experience a powerful energy clearing of the three biggest blocks to your Embodied Intuitive Genius . When your Embodied Intuition is liberated, you feel at ease and welcomed into your body’s wisdom and your place in the world.

This week, you’ll:

  • Understand why you sometimes feel like a foreigner in your own body and the world
  • Learn powerful practices to tune into your Embodied Intuition and feel more confident, safe, and at home in your body
  • Discover playful ways to discern and use the profound messages available to you in nature to cultivate more ease and groundedness
  • Learn how to listen to what your Embodied Intuition can tell you about caring for your health and wellbeing
  • Experience a powerful energy clearing to dissipate the 3 biggest blocks to your Embodied Intuition — allowing you to more fully enjoy your life

Module 3: Liberate Your Creative Intuition to Express Your Superpowers (September 13)


When you clear blocks to your Creative Intuition, you reclaim childlike joy, unencumbered self-expression, and true creative delight. You open channels to great ideas. Old blocks that have kept you feeling guilt, shame, and unable to move forward are released.

This session’s energy clearing will help release the three biggest blocks to your Creative Intuitive Genius . You’ll activate your Creative Intuition and connect with your spirit guides and the playful spirit of your inner child. Fears of judgment and criticism will be replaced with liberating feelings of freedom, inspiration, and creative passion.

This week, you’ll:

  • Understand how you block your creative, intuitive powers
  • Release fears of being judged, criticized, or punished for wielding the power of your Creative Intuition
  • Tap into how it feels to embody your creative power and the childlike joy and freedom it brings
  • Experience how your creative, playful side holds the wisdom, ease, and abundance you seek
  • Experience a powerful energy clearing to dissipate blocks to your creative channels and access your true creative essence 

Module 4: Access Your Integrative Intuition to Lead With Your Superpowers (September 20)


As your intuition opens, you feel more. You’ve probably already noticed this if you’re a highly sensitive person, an empath, or a natural creative. And with this opening, you may find you have a heightened sensitivity to the energies of others. You may even build walls or retreat to protect yourself.

Yet cutting yourself off in this way erodes your ability to connect with and trust others, which you need to do to access your Integrative Intuition.

You’ll experience an energy clearing that breaks down this “armor” and helps you build healthy energetic boundaries that are easy to create in the moment and that allow you to maintain your ability to access your Integrative Intuition.

Your Integrative Intuition is the catalyst for weaving beneficial community connections, creating harmonious relationships, and co-creating with others to be an effective leader — in your family, your community, and the world.

This week, you’ll:

  • Learn how to create healthy energetic boundaries to free yourself from taking on others’ suffering, projections, and judgements
  • Discover how opening to your Integrative Intuition helps you attract the right-fit people who best understand and love you
  • Clear blocks — old betrayals, wounds, and resentments — to connect more deeply with your supportive guides in heaven and here on Earth
  • Discover major blocks to unearthing and embodying your soul gifts and true purpose
  • Experience a powerful energy clearing to activate your connection to your highest good, spirit guides, and nature helpers for limitless access to your Integrative Intuition

Module 5: Open Your Visionary Intuition to Amplify Your Superpowers (September 27)


You’ll clear fears you may have of your visionary gifts. Mellissa will guide you to re-align with your highest power — your connection to Spirit — making sure that your gift of Visionary Intuition is only used for your highest good and the highest good of others.

You’ll experience a powerful energy clearing to help you heal ancient wounds with forgiveness and allow your Visionary Intuition to emerge and lead you to your soul gifts... your unique purpose in life. You’ll connect with your invisible allies (Spirit, spirit guides, and nature energies) for guidance in amplifying your gifts.

This week, you’ll:

  • Discover and claim your unique form of Visionary Intuition, which helps you heal and feel supported
  • Experience how fear can be released by directly connecting with Spirit
  • Hold your visionary gifts in integrity by developing all 4 types of intuition
  • Learn to access spirit wisdom to solve real world problems
  • Experience a powerful energy clearing to open your channel beyond old wounds and feel the truth of clear vision flooding through you

Module 6: Use the 4 Intuition Types With Integrity to Trust Your Superpowers (October 4)


As you activate the four types of intuitive genius within you, you’ll notice your life shifting significantly. Opening to your intuition feels amazing, like you’re coming home to yourself.

You’ll delve into how to use your intuitive gifts wisely and with integrity in the real world.

You’ll learn about common challenges and questions that arise as you develop your intuition: How do I learn to trust my intuition? How do I hold healthy boundaries with others when I feel so much of the energy around me? Should I tell others about the messages I receive, and if so, when? How can my intuition help me bring my soul gifts into the world?

This week, you’ll:

  • Explore the common pitfalls of intuitive awakening and how to avoid them
  • Learn how to avoid becoming an intuitive know-it-all who falls prey to spiritual arrogance
  • Learn to navigate — in real time — the difference between “thinking” and intuitive “knowing”
  • Learn how to wield your intuitive power with integrity
  • Experience a drum-led journey to organize your guides, repair energetic boundaries, and stay on your path

Module 7: Leverage Your Intuition Superpowers For Success & Abundance (October 11)


You’ll learn easy, yet potent, ways to use your intuition as the powerful everyday tool it is. You’ll learn how to use your intuitive genius wisely and with integrity at home, at work, and to improve your wellbeing.

In our final energy clearing, you’ll be guided to release any resistance to using your intuition according to your own unique purpose and intentions. You’ll anchor your intuition in service to the highest good to avoid spiritual bypass and arrogance.

You’ll also learn powerful ways to integrate intuition into your total intelligence, which includes your intuition, instinct, and intellect. You’ll release the myth that you can’t have both intuition and abundance — and you’ll learn to leverage your soul gifts to create a life of joyful service, deep connection, and ample abundance.  

In our last week together, you’ll:

  • Learn how to leverage your intuition at work to increase your expertise, impact, and success
  • Discover how to enjoy intuitive heart-connections in your family and relationships
  • Learn how to tap your intuition to make important decisions about your self-care and wellness
  • Discover important tips for integrating your intellect with your intuition and experience a powerful energy clearing to help you release any resistance
  • Feel enthusiastic and empowered about using your intuition to cultivate abundance and success in all areas of your life

The Intuition as an Everyday Superpower Bonus Collection

In addition to Mellissa’s transformative 7-week virtual course, you’ll receive these special bonuses with leading visionaries and teachers to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.


The Genius Assessment
A Quick, Accurate Quiz to Assess Your Intuitive Skills

This swift, easy-to-complete assessment will acknowledge the intuitive power you already hold and point to which of your four Intuitive Genius types would benefit most from your attention. It can also help you create a positive vision and intention for your 7-week online journey with Mellissa. This will be the first important step to clearing the way for your natural intuitive genius to grow.


Meet & Connect With Your Spirit Guides
Two Instructional Videos & One Guided Meditation Audio

This powerful audio/video mini-course makes connecting with your spirit guides an easeful, yet profound, experience. You’ll enjoy two videos that reveal what spirit guides are, how to connect to Spirit, and how to receive, understand, and act on messages from invisible realms. Included is a guided meditation audio to help you meet with your own guides and access their loving support any time you need.


The Bubble Breathing Exercise
A Video to Clear Your Mood & Boost Your Energy — Fast!

This simple but profound breathing technique for clearing your energy and protecting yourself from negative emotions is ideal for empaths, sensitives, HSPs, and anyone wishing to expand their intuitive power. You can do it anywhere, anytime, and it even helps to clear negative environmental energies. This is an essential practice used by thousands of Mellissa’s clients.


What People Are Saying About Mellissa Seaman…

“Mellissa possesses a gift that is rare.”

Having been to many healers over my 55 years, I am in a good position to validate authentic healers when I experience them. Mellissa possesses a gift that is rare. When you want everyone to have the “Mellissa” experience, that is a loud testimony!
— David Heller

“My energy levels increased, and my connection to my intuitive knowing deepened.”

I have received great love and support for my healing process, including valuable tools for self-healing. My energy levels increased, and my connection to my intuitive knowing deepened.
— Jessica B.

“I leave each session with a better understanding of who I am, both spiritually and emotionally.”

I leave each session with a better understanding of who I am, both spiritually and emotionally. Mellissa’s compassion, humor, and connection to spirit make for a joyful and powerful transformational experience.
— Sandy Beresford

“I find the resonance of the wisdom Mellissa offers highly absorbable.”

I find the resonance of the wisdom Mellissa offers highly absorbable. And it’s easy to be open to her teaching because she presents in such an egoless way.
— Leiah Zaragoza

“I feel ‘opened up.’”

Ultimately, I feel “opened up.” I can only describe it as standing in the wind with your arms outstretched and the sun on your face.
— Kelli Field-Darragh


Join the Global Community


Intuition as an Everyday Superpower offers some of the most transformational online teachings available, within a thriving global community of learning and practice.

Join fellow students and practitioners to support and inspire each other as you integrate the teachings and practices Mellissa Seaman will share in this powerful training.

You’ll join an international community on the leading edge of manifesting a world grounded in the principles of cooperation, harmony, and reverence for all of life.


Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven 90-Minute Class Sessions With Mellissa Seaman

Experience a unique opportunity to be mentored by and learn from Stanford-educated lawyer turned intuitive Mellissa Seaman, from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a livestreaming video option and will guide you to explore the four key types of intuitive intelligence within you to unveil and manifest what you’re uniquely destined to be and bring to the world. Course sessions are on Tuesdays at 1:00pm Pacific.

Seven Video Recordings of Class Sessions

After each class, the digital video will be available for you to download or stream in a high-quality format. You’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can watch anytime and anywhere at your convenience.

Seven Audio Recordings of Class Sessions

After each class, the audio will be available for you to download in a high-quality MP3 format. You’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can listen anytime and anywhere at your convenience.

Seven Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Interactive Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each week’s lesson.

Online Community

Our exclusive Facebook online community is the perfect place to continue your discovery process after each class. Here, you can continue the discussion about your course materials and interact with your fellow students to take your exploration to an even deeper level.

The Intuition as an Everyday Superpower Bonus Collection
  • The Genius Assessment
    A Quick, Accurate Quiz to Assess Your Intuitive Skills
  • Meet & Connect With Your Spirit Guides
    Two Instructional Videos & One Guided Meditation Audio
  • The Bubble Breathing Exercise
    A Video to Clear Your Mood & Boost Your Energy — Fast!

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Online Training, Intuition as an Everyday Superpower


We feel honored that Mellissa Seaman has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive LIVE online training. This is a unique opportunity to interact directly with a renowned intuitive and spiritual teacher whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about accessing and boosting your greatest superpower — your full spectrum of intuitive intelligence — then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in your own evolution, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

3 Payments of
1 Payment of

Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Intuition as an Everyday Superpower — or don’t feel that it meets your needs — please submit your refund request form on or before September 13, 2022 and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.


More Praise for Mellissa Seaman…

“Mellissa is a powerful and fearless healer, full of spiritual ‘juice.’”

Mellissa is a powerful and fearless healer, full of spiritual “juice.” My own work with her has brought me such focus and clarity. I’m delighted to refer my clients to her, because her work becomes an indispensable part of their healing process.
— Ruth Watson, LAc

“I am feeling lighter, more motivated, and more sure of a great life that I can live by my own intention.”

I found my shamanic clearing with her life-changing. I feel now that I really was living someone else’s life, mostly out of fear instead of love and joy and courage. I am feeling lighter, more motivated, and more sure of a great life that I can live by my own intention. I am very grateful for having met Mellissa.
— Tracy Clark, MD

“The effects have lasted and I've felt a foundational shift in my being.”

I am unspeakably grateful for Mellissa’s rare and extremely important gift; she was able to see and engage my deepest and most complex energetic strategies with great respect and healing humor. She worked delicately to bring about release and change in my system — change that I felt immediately in my body! The effects have lasted and I’ve felt a foundational shift in my being.
— Jessica Wolk, MFT

“I feel like a new butterfly shedding the cocoon.”

I’m not the same person since my session with Mellissa. I don’t know why that’s such a surprise but I wasn’t prepared for it! I’m much freer and less bogged down since she cut the psychic chains with folks from my past. I seem more grounded, yet floating. All in all, I feel utterly transformed. I feel like a new butterfly shedding the cocoon.
— Sara Brindel

“[Mellissa] has developed a modality of healing with roots in shamanic experience yet bridging around the planet.”

Mellissa Seaman centers on the vibration of love. This woman springs from the celebration of life on her path of beauty. By confronting her shadow side, she has developed a modality of healing with roots in shamanic experience, yet bridging around the planet. The buzz from this woman represents the voice of the Ancestors, who speak words of insight and ways of healing.
— Maria Yraceburu, Tlish Diyan ceremonialist


About Mellissa Seaman


Mellissa Seaman was a Stanford-educated business lawyer until her intuitive abilities awakened in the year 2000 with the birth of her daughter. She was trained and ordained by Indigenous teacher Maria Yraceburu of the Tlish Diyan, learning to bridge ancient wisdom and intuitive practices into modern times. Her “soul discovery” quizzes and system has helped tens of thousands of people worldwide to identify their deepest gifts and best directions in life.

As founder and CEO of Channel Your Genius — an online school for creative professionals and business owners who are awakening to their true calling — Mellissa combines humor, depth, and the integration of emotional, embodied, and intellectual intelligence to provide guidance that bridges the worlds of business strategy and intuitive intelligence.

Mellissa has been recognized in the legal field for her early work in public interest advocacy, by her clients for helping them create products that do good things in the world, and by her Indigenous elders for being a Truth Speaker. Her heart is especially devoted to supporting professional women who are waking up to their deepest calling as channels of their own unique genius. 


Frequently Asked Questions


Refund date: Before September 13 (3rd module date)

Q: What’s a virtual course?
A: It’s a great way to engage live and pre-recorded teachings and each other from the comfort of your home! All you need is a computer, mobile device, or telephone. If there’s more than one person in your household taking the course, you’ll each need your own connection. We use Zoom video conferencing to make it just like an in-person event, where you can ask questions and deepen your exploration of the course themes.

There’s no additional charge for connecting to Zoom with your computer or mobile device. Please note that dialing Zoom from your telephone is a toll call; your telephone service provider will charge you according to your existing long-distance calling plan. International access numbers are available.

“I’ve never seen a course so well put together ever...”
I had never participated before in an online course. The packaging, presentation, inclusion, and Facebook postings created a wonderful, safe cocoon within which to participate. I’ve never seen a course so well put together ever — not in all the years of taking college classes — and I had my doubts about doing an online course. The wealth of organization and ease of learning materials and support made this fun as well.
— Claudia F., Medford, Massachusetts


Q: Can I get benefit from the course if I miss the live classes?
A: Absolutely! You can download the recordings and transcripts of all course sessions from our online media archive, so you never need to worry about missing live calls. You can also engage the full community and leaders on our private online community group.


Q: Can you tell me about the private online community group?
A: We’ll have a private online community group for all course participants on Facebook that will support you in making connections with others, sharing insights, engaging in discussions, and completing homework assignments that can supplement your transformational journey. You’ll have the ability to share your experiences, projects, and growth throughout the course.


Q: Are there scholarships available for this training?
A: Yes, we always make a certain percentage of spaces available for partial scholarships, for those who otherwise would not be able to enroll at the regular rate. If you’d like to apply for a scholarship, please review our guidelines, which include a link to our online application form.


Q: What’s your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee so that you can sample the course risk-free. The deadline to receive a full refund is September 13, 2022. To request a refund, please click on this refund request form and submit your request. Qualifying refunds will be processed within five business days and an email confirming the refund will be sent. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com and we’ll be happy to help! (No refund requests accepted after the above date or with scholarship awards.)


Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.
